Dash Grant winner 2018 November Garcia


We’re excited to announce that November Garcia is our Dash grant winner for 2018. We are looking forward to helping her publish Marlarkey #3, her autobiographical mini-comic. Garcia is a cartoonist born and raised in the Philippines. She lived in San Francisco for most of her 20s and 30s but has now moved back home. We are interested in the comics she makes documenting this change of lifestyle. We can’t wait to have her at Short Run in November!  Read more…

Dash Winner 2017 Rebecca Artemisa



Rebecca’s proposed comic re-tells the Mexican urban legend/ghost story of La Llorona (the weeping woman). The comic will include retablos (devotional paintings) dedicated to her legend, as well as interactive ghost story instructions for the reader, spells, brujeria (witchcraft), and will be done entirely from La Llorona’s silent, observant perspective. We were captivated by her beautiful gouache paintings and story synapsis and are excited to see the finished comic!  Read more…

Comix Workshops with International Guests

We had a great time at Seattle Public Library Downtown and the South Park Library! Ivana Pipal and Inés Estrada led students in making their own mini-comics and collaborating together.

photo by Librarian Lupine Miller

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Categories: Education

Trailer Blaze 2015

Our first Trailer Blaze residency was a success, and so much fun! Eroyn Franklin, Kelly Froh, Janice Headley, Sarah Stuteville, Jessica Hoffman, Robyn Jordan, Mita Mahato, and Lee Bess hunkered down to work on their projects, give & receive feedback, take walks on the beach, and join up for great meals! Read more…