Our 3rd annual Trailer Blaze Comics & Books Residency has concluded and was a great success!Directors and Residents Andrice Arp, Lee Bess, Eroyn Franklin, Mandolin Brassaw, Kelly Froh, Nicole Georges, Sarah Glidden, Megan Kelso, Mita Mahato, Myra Lara, Gillian Rhodes & Julia Wertz worked on their projects in focused solitude, discussed and shared their progress, met around communal meals, sauna visits, and karaoke!

Myra had this to say, “It’s been validating, affirming, calming, restful, cleansing, educational. Seeing how everyone works opened my eyes. Every conversation added fuel.”

Thank you once again to our terrific hosts at The Sou’Wester Lodge and vintage RV park! We will see you next year!