SHOW UP – monthly artist talks

We want artists to get to know each other better, through their work and processes, and to invest in each other more fully as a year round community. Artists will stand up and stand by their work, and present it to other people, instead of working mostly in isolation with no feedback or support. What does being part of a community mean? That we all live in a geographical area, or that we are invested in the progress and success of our peers? Let’s inspire each other! 

Each month, a local artist will show 3-5 pieces of art on our gallery wall. Beneath, on slanted shelves, they will display selections from their personal book collection–books that influenced them, and how they draw or write. We’re hoping to explore each artist’s creative lineage – where and to whom did they look to learn their craft? 

Join us for a 90-min gathering where the artist talks about their work (past, present, or future), their book collection selections, or alternatively, they will use the time to ask for creative feedback from fellow artists, the attendees, to help solve a problem or gain insight into their current work.

Check your email for our newsletter or email us at for more information.

Categories: News