The concentrated time spent at Trailer Blaze, with such an amazing and diverse group of artists, was exactly what I needed to reconnect to both my work and myself. – Jessica Hoffman
Trailer Blaze 2019 concluded on April 19th. It was a wonderful week of work and newfound friendships. We worked all day and into the night. We met for elaborate, freshly-made dinners in the Lodge living room. We met in small groups or sometimes in solitude for bike rides, long walks, and sauna time. We looked at each others’ work and gave input (when needed) or simply expressed admiration and enthusiasm. Lee led us for nature walks aided with a microscope, and showed us things we didn’t know were there. Residents on an early morning walk saw 3 black bears! E.T. showed us all how to master the art of the Shrinky Dink and we left wearing pins or earrings of our own art. At one point, Megan went into town and got a haircut! You never can plan for what you will do when faced with wide open time!
Thank you to all the residents that opened their hearts to this residency: Lori Damiano, Leela Corman, Amy Camber, Graciela Sarabia, Kacy McKinney, Ashley Franklin, Alejandra Espino, Lauren Armstrong, Eroyn Franklin, Megan Kelso, Lee Bess, E.T. Russian, Jessica Hoffman and Kelly Froh.
Photos by Lori Damiano, Megan Kelso, Lee Bess, Kelly Froh, and Jessica Hoffman.
Much gratitude to The Sou’Wester: Thandi, Kassie, Lindsey, Kathy, who all work so hard to make our week special and hassle-free. We can’t wait to return in 2020!